

just finished a long walk in a light rain recommend

#rain #walk #aside

I don't know if it's true, but I have been told that tequila is expensive or maybe even hard to come by in Europe.

That sucks for you Europeans, 'cos tequila is pretty damned alright.

#thispostnotinanywaysponsoredbytequila #aside

Communists are always an enemy, whether they're spreading exotic bio-viruses or just their old evil one – Communism.

#Communism #aside

politics of the moment: Andrew Jackson religion of the moment: Thomas Paine

#religion #politics #aside

One must remind oneself to do the things they love


We American English speakers, at least here in my neck of the woods, are not called upon to roll our R's, ever.

That however does not abjure we – the physically capable of r-rollin' – of our responsibility to keep this beautiful tradition alive

#EnglishSpeaking #aside

Write to remember who you are

Also – fight to remember who you are

Also – read to remember who you are


I suspect that situational awareness is not only beneficial to your personal safety and the safety of those around you, but can also pull you away from morose and/or obsessive habits of thought.


“watch yourself,” his teachers told him. He’d taken their words to heart, and now was unsure whether he’d ever see out of, rather than into his own eyes ever again…


a lot of peace-lovers are gonna be sad if WW3 doesn’t start soon
