

romance will break out into the open, perhaps when we think we’ve long seen the last of it

#romance #aside #poem

not trusting what the writers say only the inner vibrations their words elicit and then only sometimes


she looked at him like she might look at a stray dog or a lost child she could marry him right now - so hopeless and in need of her attention


spades plunged into soil a year’s fruits held up to the sun the old wild dance broke ’round us


Black vulture sliced his way back and forth, upward through those jagged winds when the gale was perfect, with one instinctual turn to the right he took off on a true bullet trajectory


For your going, Let the darkness of sandy expanses be no threat to your dawn strength.


his eyes wandered down long gentle curves nearly hidden behind a thin veil he bit back his words as she bit his neck


Man Enters Space

a deep breath, and a forward step into silent dark…hurtling, tumbling, righting himself, circling…returning to the warm embrace of home…home from a voyage with no end…


sea and sea #poem

sea and sea blurred at the horizon your broken vessel and my hazy memory the only indication this was ever sailed

sand and sand blurred at the horizon your little footprints and my hazy memory the only indication this was ever walked

Nearly midnight. Camping in our back yard / Grass wet, expect it'll get wetter / A light breeze brings the sound of a lone motor from the not too distant road //
