When I became involved with the larger, for lack of a better term “atheist community” (early 2000s), I noticed two types of atheists. Those who I referred to as the “science atheists,” the “I learned about biology and couldn't believe the Bible anymore” type. And those like myself, who I referred to as “romantic Atheists,” who might say things like “Hell is preposterous,” or “Original Sin is insulting,” or “Jihad and Sharia are cartoonishly evil.”
These groups generally got along I think. Neither of us were prepared for the arrival of the feminist-social justice-leftist crazy-atheists, who rejected both science and romance, and it turned out hated the rest of us, and the west also.
I don't write much any more about atheism or atheists, I'm not involved in any secular movements or communities. I walked away a few years ago, after years of watching people I knew and often respected, shred each other over politics that shouldn't have been allowed in.
#atheists #atheism #atheistcommunity #feminists #feminism #socialjustice #SJW #woke
Great men will create great and beautiful things while losers scream at them
I don't know if it's true, but I have been told that tequila is expensive or maybe even hard to come by in Europe.
That sucks for you Europeans, 'cos tequila is pretty damned alright.
Communists are always an enemy, whether they're spreading exotic bio-viruses or just their old evil one – Communism.
One must remind oneself to do the things they love
We American English speakers, at least here in my neck of the woods, are not called upon to roll our R's, ever.
That however does not abjure we – the physically capable of r-rollin' – of our responsibility to keep this beautiful tradition alive